I have never really "officially" made any new years resolutions. So, we will see how I follow through. But here they are:
1) Here is the one that is most famous that i'm pretty sure everyone has on their list...lose 10 pounds! And do it the healthy way...eating good food and exercise.
2) Do a class at my church called Mending the Soul. I have felt like I have needed to take this class for a long while now, and I think it's time.
3) Go on at least 4 vacations (big or small) with my husband.
4) Find a new ministry. Since Adam and I aren't doing youth ministry anymore, we are looking for something new that we can latch on to. Food for the Hungry? We'll see :)
5) Spend more consistent time with my family. Have regular nights that we have dinner, or lunch, or whatever with both of our families. It's really important to us, but it doesn't happen as often as we'd like.
6) I would really like to learn how to play an instrument this year. Possibly the guitar or piano? I love to sing, so it would be awesome to be able to actually make music both ways.
7) I want to be very disciplined also. In my school and my personal life, as well as my walk with God. That was a lot of my problem this last year.
8) Take a few dance classes just for fun. I feel like there are a ton of things that I love that I don't do like this because I just don't take the time.
Well, there they are. All 8 of them. They aren't that exciting to read, but the thought of actually doing them sounds soooo good. Maybe as I go through my year and do some of them (my fingers are crossed) then I will let all of you know how they go :) And that will be inspiration for me to do them. Happy New Years Resolutions to all of you and I wish you all mucho success!
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