I forgot to write in the last post that a couple from our church generously gave us a sweet rocking chair! Well, they actually gave us 2 of them, but I wanted to show you the one that we decided to use for Ellie's room. I really wanted just a simple, classic rocking chair, and this one is just perfect!
Also, I have a very TINY theme going throughout her room with one pattern. This morning I made a little cushion/pillow for the rocking chair to fit the theme...Here is what I have so far!

The Crib Skirt up-close and personal

Cushion/Pillow for the Rocking Chair

Emroidery Hoop on Wall
The Rocking Chair! Also, Adam and I are going to sand-down and repaint the chair white to match the rest of the room. What do you guys think? Leave it or paint it?????
Love, Krystle
very thrifty and creative!
I vote for painting it!
I love that fabric. I also love painting wood white! I vote for it!
I think it is nice the way it is but would also look nice white...I know not very helpful huh? Sorry!
Mmmm..I'm on the fence. I vote to leave it. That way you can enjoy doing something else, who knows Ellie could come before you finish it!
I say leave it! That is really good wood there. BUT it would look really cute white too!
paint! white rocking chairs look great in baby rooms.
I saw paint! I think white looks so fresh and clean! Or maybe I should paint it so you don't breathe in nasty fumes! We should take it to the shop where it can air out! :-) Although... the fabric you did the pillow with looks really cute with the wood and probly wouldn't match white since it's a cream colored base hmmm... you could make a pillow out of the pink sheet material! Well, I'm glad I came to your blog finally!
I mean say not saw and I do know how to spell probably. Texting makes people into bad spellers! Or maybe it's because it's 3am...
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