Friday, July 30, 2010

Happy Friday!

The most recent picture of all of us- I haven't been good at taking pics lately :(
So, what's been going on here ? .....
Nothing too exciting. In the picture I posted, we were all headed to Adam's basketball game. He joined a league for the summer, and I'm sad to report that they didn't win 1 measly game! It was a lot of fun going to watch him play though :) Ellie loved cheering on #7 and was really sad when she saw him play and couldn't go out to the court to see him.
This past week Ellie got a double ear infection! Poor baby! She had a high fever one night and I called my pediatrician, and he said that if she still had a fever that lasted for 3 days then to come in....well it just kept getting worse(104-106 temps!!) and low and behold, it was in both ears! I felt so bad for her. She is such a tough little girl though. Still SO happy even though she was SO sick. Gotta love that :) She is on the mend though, thank goodness!
I am still plagued with pregnancy sickness and might I say that it has been INTENSE this time around! Some days it lasts from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed at night :( I'm 8 weeks on Monday, so I just keep telling myself that I need to last 4 more weeks....Seems like forever!
A lot of my anxiety is gone about this pregnancy. I just feel really good about it. And I feel God constantly telling me to trust Him. So trust I shall! I feel like I have been seeing a ton of babies lately and it's getting me REALLY excited :) I love the newborn stage of checking out their environment, eating, then sleeping. Such a simple life. And one of the easiest times (in my opinion so far) of having a baby. I'm glad that part comes first!
Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Capribythelake said...

I'm sorry to hear about your loss in the past, but I'm beyond thrilled for the little miracle inside you right now! Congrats!

So sorry your little one is feeling so blue ;(. I just posted about things I do to help build up my kids immune systems. Maybe something on there could help?

I really want another baby, but I'm SO fearful about being so sick (I was throwing up every day for 6-7 months with my last two pregnancies) with TWO kids, that I'm not sure if I could handle it. Towards the END of my sickness period with my second, I started seeing this herbalist that told me that my nausea was due to my lack of Vitamin B6. So, she had me taking like 4 pills 5 times a day until my nausea went away, and it WORKED! I was so mad that I didn't try it sooner. If I wasn't hopeful of a "solution" for my nausea (naturally), I probably wouldn't be open to having more babies (sad, but true, I don't think I could survive it).

Praying your little one is healthy and thriving and that you are feeling better soon!
