The pictures above are from a resort Adam and & I are going to this weekend called Westin La Paloma Resort in Tucson. This is where our church's marriage retreat will be held this year. We hadn't planned on going originally since it was quite the wad of cash, AND we are in our still in our "get-out-of-debt-in-a-year" plan , so we decided to decline. FORTUNATELY, some of the people at our church offered us a SWEET discount so that we would be able to go! We really felt like we would be missing out if we didn't go, and we were totally bummed about it, but NOW we get to! Yay!!!
This will be our 3rd time going ... wow, that's weird we have been married that long!... and each time we have gone it has been amazing. We have learned some life-changing and extremely practical ways to improve on our communication, among other things, and we are just so thankful that we get to go again. The two couples that are speaking throughout the weekend are such real & genuine people, which is great because it really opens all of us "attendees" up to be vulnerable & honest. It's all about Conflict-Resolution this year, so hopefully we will bring back some good helpful tips!
Happy retreating to US!!!!
SWEET! jealous!!!!
It was a fun retreat! I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as we did.
I'll have to post a picture of the spider that was outside our door. It was a tarantula! NO LIES!!! I freaked! Besides that...it was a great weekend!
PS Enjoy your Starbucks!
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