Friday, September 21, 2007

Life Update!

Well, lots has happened since I last wrote... the most recent news is that I am going to be a "real" auntie in about 30 minutes! So excited! Little Hana is going to enter the world and be another one of God's little miracles :) It's so amazing! I can't believe my brother will be a daddy before I'm a mommy! But life is full of surprises I guess...I will definitely post some pictures VERY soon...

I start my Nurse's Assistant program on Monday. I'll be there from 8 to 12:30, then I go to work until 7, then I go home and do homework! Ah! This only lasts for 5 weeks though, so I have decided that I am going to not think about how tired I am and keep thinking about how there will be an end to all the craziness soon! But I will miss my time with my husband the most...he is just the best EVER and the one that I ALWAYS miss being away from :(

HOWEVER, he just got a different promotion at the bank and that's super exciting! But that means training for 8 weeks, tests, and a few long days here and there. But it is going to be great for our little family :) I'm so proud of him!

In the midst of all this, I keep wondering about where the time for family and friends will be...there just isn't enough time in the day for all the things I need to do and WANT to right now I have a huge pile of laundry on the floor screaming my name, but I have to continue wearing the small amount of clean clothes that I have left until I can devote and ENTIRE day to it! Ah!

And I miss time...there needs to be just a few more hours in the day...

That's all for now...I will post more pictures soon...until then....

In Christ,

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Time to Come Home

Here are the lyrics to a song that has really been speaking to me lately. It's by a guy named Scott Phillips ( a small christian artist), and he is on myspace. You should check him out...this song continually reminds me that we aren't suppose to be on this earth and that we were meant to be somewhere else.


You are out of place
You weren’t meant for a world like this
This is not your home…not really
Suffering seems never ending

But soon enough…soon enough
When its time to come home
The lights will be on
You dreams come to life
And your nightmares are gone
When its time to come home
You’re more than just a guest
The doors have been unlocked
So come in and find your rest
I’ve prepared a place…for you
There will be a day when you can tell
The sheep from the wolves
When the shepherd of the flock

Who seeks and saved the lost comes to call
I’ve prepared a place, but the barricade of sin
Has thrown away the key
But my blood will get you in

Life goes on...

Hello Everyone who reads this!,

Nothing much has been going on lately. I have no profound thoughts to write about, no cool things that I've been doing, etc. Well, actually I was listening to "Ice, Ice Baby" just a few minutes ago and it made me happy :) I was dancing at my desk at work! Ha!

AND I watched a REALLY neat video on something called GodTube yesterday that was really impactful. I will put the link to it at the bottom of this page when I'm done. It was about how we as Christians always chase after so many things in life that eventually leave us empty, and God still waits for us to come back to Him and is fighting for us to come back. So, check it out!

I decided that I am going to take a CNA course (Certified Nurse's Assistant), so that I can introduce myself to the world of nursing. Deciding on a career is so hard. I have already changed my mind a few times in my college career, and then I just heard a statistic that something like 80% of people have jobs that had NOTHING to do with their majors! How depressing! I want to make sure that I am actually going to school for something that I'm passionate about. And I think I am, so hopefully I'm in the clear :)

Something else that I have been thinking about lately however, is how frustrating it is to have superficial relationships with friends. I have grown very weary of them, and I feel like I have actually been avoiding them.I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing, but it just is. I want to be involved in people's lives who actually want to know who I am, the good and the bad, and stick with me through it all. Because really, what is a friendship if there really isn't any depth? It's just an aquaintance (wow, i think i spelled that way wrong! i wrote it a few times!). So, the way I see it is that I have a choice: I either try to go deeper with those friends, and invest a lot of time, and hope to get it in return, OR I invest even DEEPER in the friends I already have. Hmmmm....

Well, that's all for today. Hope everyone is well, and I will write more soon :)

Monday, September 10, 2007

Little Abby

Here are some pictures of my new niece Abby! We are so excited that she's here! Isn't she soooo cute!!! In one picture Abby decided to flip me off!!! It was so funny :)

Friday, September 7, 2007

Abigail May Smith
Birthday: September 7, 2007
Weight: 7lbs 11.5 ounces
Height: 21 inches
Time: 5:23am

That is the info on my new neice :) I was in the hospital all night with my best friend Heather and it was so special. The whole time people were asking me how I felt about having a baby of my own one day (I think they were expecting me to be terrified because of the terrible labor she was going through) , but I was so moved by the whole experience. To have a baby is so womanly and honorable. Heather was in so much pain but I have never really seen her look so beautiful :) She was bringing a new life onto this earth! It's amazing.

I have almost been married for 2 years now, and it seems like people are asking more and more when we will have one. Everything that is happening certainly DOES give me "baby fever", but becoming a mother is a HUGE decision to make. But I am hoping that my time will come soon ! :) I know that being a mommy is one of my biggest dreams, and I have known ever since I was little that I want to have a child at a young age. Choices choices...

Until then however, I will be overly content with what God has provided me so far. I have a loving, caring, thoughtful husband, and a nice home. God is good.

I will be posting pictures of little Abby soon :) She is truly a miracle.

Until next time...<3

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


There is a song out there by Third Day called "The Thief". When I listen to it I ALWAYS choke up and get emotional. It reminds me of when Jesus saved me from my unsatisfying and sinful life, and brought me into a real relationship that is eternal and good. I am so thankful that my sins are not hanging over me, and he rescued me from all of my guilt and shame. The song reminds me of that because it is about the man on the cross next to Jesus, who believed in Him right before he died, and went to Paradise with Jesus. That is so amazing! He lived a life apart from God and rebelled against Him, and yet the last day of his life, he was able to be with Jesus in Heaven. Jesus is so good.

Sometimes in all the business of life, we get wrapped up in the small details that we forget what Jesus has done in our lives and the gratitude and praise He deserves each day. It's crazy how we can sometimes let that slip right out of our minds. He has saved our souls set us free, and yet we fail to acknowledge Him.

When we do this, we are settling for the happiness of temporary things instead of the joy and contentment that Jesus can bring to our lives. I find that when I am taking risks and actually LIVING my faith, is when Jesus really comes in and I feel ready to live a life worthy of my calling. The words in the bible are so powerful and they are alive. I want to live them.

The good thing is,...God waits patiently for us to remember that sometimes. And right now was one of those times for me.

I don't know if it's just me, but when I find that I haven't spent the time in the word and with God that I want to, I am so apprehensive to get back into it. It's like it's a challenge to even pick the bible back up and read it. Even though my heart is ripe and tender to learn and soak myself in it. I hate that!

I think that what's underneath it all is that I know my calling is a high one. God doesn't joke around when He asks us to do things for Him and for our own lives, He doesn't waste time. He always gets straight to the point. That's the scary part. He makes my insecurities, fears, flaws, and sins shine bright so that I am transparent enough to see where He needs to work. It's beautiful actually. But so intimidating! And so unusual to the world we live in. We live in a place that absolutely LOVES to hide all of that. But, Jesus calls us to be transparent, real, and vulnerable. That is how believers are different than the rest of the world. They seem weird just because they don't put masks on and act like everything is ok. I get so tired of that. Every person wants something that is raw. That is such a good word because it is so tender to feeling and emotion. The world is numb by suppressing their feelings and putting on a show. I don't want that. I want to hurt when others hurt, feel bad when I wrong people, cry because God is so good, give people supernatural mercy and grace that is not from this world, and be so weird and different because of how much I love others (because Christ has loved me) that it makes people uncomfortable but feel at home all at the same time. That is my high calling.

So, with all that being said, I want to follow Christ today so closely. I am not going to be afraid to go back to Him and apologize for how long it's been, but rather run to Him and embrace Him because it's been so long since I have been back home.

The End

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

A little extra time is all you need...

This blog is in honor of this weekend. It was great! Adam and I were able to see friends/family, relax, have some alone time, and enjoy being at home. We also bought a new laptop, which was exciting :) Heather still has not had little Abby yet...such a bummer. But she will FOR SURE be here on Thursday! Yay!

On another note, with all my free time the past couple days, I was able to get a lot done around the house and prepare for this week which NEVER happens! I scheduled out a whole meal plan, made breakfast burritos for breakfasts for the next few days, and deep cleaned my entire house! Including the refrigerator...awesome! I kept forgetting the fridge was clean and every time I opened it I was reminded... :)

On ANOTHER topic, I really miss my high school girls. I think about them a lot, and wish that I could still be a big part of their lives. Hopefully I will in at least a few of them. They are so awesome. My hope is that they will love God with all their hearts, and never settle for anything less. Christ brings TRUE satisfaction in all of our lives, and will ALWAYS transform us when we let Him. So, if you are a high school girl, and you are reading this, then remember that :)... And I love you!

Well, there will be more to come later...and more pictures!

P.S. I can't wait for Grey's Anatomy and The Office to come back on!!! My favorites!