7 You husbands in the same way, live with your wives in an understanding way, as with someone weaker, since she is a woman; and show her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered.
Yesterday, I was housecleaning thinking about this verse. I was wondering what it meant. I was thinking that it meant one of two things; either husbands are too rational and it's hard to relate to their wives on an emotional level, or wives are too emotional and husbands have to just try and be as understanding as possible. It's interesting to try and dissect what God meant when He said that. Both conclusions seem relevant and acceptable to me.
It's ironic that I was thinking about that yesterday because I was presented with the perfect opportunity to see it played out. Adam and I were just NOT seeing eye to eye on a few things, and we were both just so frustrated that the other person couldn't understand! Mostly me. I really wanted him to understand why I was being the way I was ( it was all related why my emotions were the way they were) and he was frustrated that since I was having a hard time, I couldn't see where he was coming from or be sympathetic towards him.
Of course, I didn't remember this verse last night while it was all happening, but I did remember before and after! Ugh. How inconvenient. I think that just knowing that God instructed husbands to live with their wives in an understanding way could have really helped me. It could have showed me that sometimes it is really hard for husbands to understand the logic that is happening in their wives' heads because their brain just does NOT work the same way. I could have been a lot more patient and tried to help him to really understand, and for myself to just slow down and try to figure out what was really wrong with me before just reacting and making it harder!
Wow! Ladies & Gentlemen...I just had a TPA! Yes! For those of you who don't go to Moon Valley Bible Church, a TPA means: Text, Principle, and Application. It's kind of the "system" we use to apply the bible to our lives and live it out.
For Example:
Text: 1 Peter 3:7
You husbands in the same way, live with your wives in an understanding way, as with someone weaker, since she is a woman; and show her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered.
Principle: (This is a timeless truth about God's Word)
God is understanding of His OWN children and knows what they need to do in order to love eachother.
Figure out how I am really feeling so that I can actually understand myself first. Lay it out in a very logical way (to the best of my ability) possibly on paper, then talk to my husband about it in a very respectful and honoring way.
So, there you have it! Thank you friends for helping me apply God's word in my life by allowing to to write my little heart out until something good flows out. I'm sure the outcome will be great. I do have an amazing husband who really does understand me exceptionally well compared to most men out there. I am a VERY lucky woman!
1 comment:
what an awesome wife you are! ;)
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