This picture shows how I will be spending my ENTIRE night tonight and ENTIRE morning doing... studying for my Anatomy & Physiology Final! AHHHHHHHH!!
Just a little background...this class hates me, and I hate this class. This is my 4th time taking it! Pathetic, I know. The main reason this is the 4th time I have taken it is because my HUGE problem with procrastination. And note, this class CANNOT be procrasitnated with.
I have figured it out, and I only have to make a 60% on the first 2 sections, and a 80% on the short answer. I know this seems easy, but it is NOT. This class is stinkin' hard!
So, here is my plan. Studying for an hour and then taking a 15 min break. And doing this for about 8 hours tonight! I put on some Sarah McLachlan to get relaxed and in the mood, and I am going for it. Wish me luck fellow blogger friends!
And on a more serious note....PRAY!!!!....for reals.....
*praying!* I think it's so cute that you arranged your book and papers so perfectly and took a picture, tee hee!
Go Krystal! You can do this!
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