Well, it has been an eventful weekend! On Thursday night I got sick and stayed sick through Friday until about noon or so, and I was worried I wasn't going to be able to go to the Carrie Underwood concert, but I literally turned a corner and felt great, and I was able to go :) Shannon and I had a GREAT time, and talked the whole way there and back and the concert was really good :) She has an amazing voice...the people that were there weren't very lively, but that's about the only complaint I had about the whole thing. Before the concert, I chopped about 6 inches off my hair! Ah! I sort of like it, but I am definitely in that transition stage with it, and it actually makes me feel a little chubby :( But I will get use to it. Then on Saturday I worked all day from 7am-7pm, got off and tried to do my homework but the dumb online class wouldn't let me access my assignment..grr! THEN, Adam went to go see IronMan with his friends and I went to go see Made of Honor with my good friend Alexa. Then today we did the Sunday norm. Went to church, then to lunch, then to lifegroup, and we just got back....needless to say it was a crazy weekend, but VERY fun! Here are some pictures of the weekend....oh yeah, and as a disclaimer, I really don't wear this teal shirt all the time! Ha! It just so happened that I am posting pictures 2x in a row that show me wearing it :)
Hope all of your weekend's dreams came true! (P.S. That was what my husband wanted me to write)
Me & My Hair Cut

Shannon & I Before the Concert Started

Josh Turner opened up for Carrie Underwood which is fitting because both mine and Shannon's maiden name is Turner :)

The Countdown

This was the ONLY picture that actually turned out ok of her

Adam and I acting Buff at the movie theatre w/the Incredible Hulk

First of all, with the teal shirt, you are so funny! I would have never noticed, but if it were me I would be the same way! haha. I'm so jealous of you seeing Carrie, looked so fun! Your hair looks so cute, too.
i am so sad none of my Josh Turner pictures turned out! my camera was acting so funny in that lighting. I worked a long day on Saturday too :) I am so glad your weekend was good and we need to hang out again soon!
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