I am staying true to my word (well, for the most part) about taking it easy this weekend. Since I finished the circles, we decided to put them up today. I'm glad that my multi-color theme seems to be working out. Oh, and the crib skirt isn't done yet, I just put the material there to get an idea of what it would all look like :) And excuse the crappy lighting....Ellie's room needs a few more lights in there to be able to take a decent picture...anyways, I just wanted to show you the finished product!
P.S.S. This crib was actually given to us. SUPER nice of my parent's neighbors! Not bad for a hand me down!!!
Those dots are darling! You should enter it in our nursery pictures contest. Other moms would love to hear details of how you made the dots and put your nursery together.
Here's the url if you're interested
Here are some pictures entered from past contests:
everything looks adorable!
A very cute idea! Looks great!
Those are cute!
They look so good! Good job Krystle!
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