Every so often, it seems like Steve & Sophie like to get back at us for leaving them in the bathroom all day. Today was one of those days. When I open the door, they both have the look of pure excitement on their faces...it's like they knew what they were doing. I thought I'd let you in on the secret life of our dogs when we leave the house....

This is how you know they were up to something...

The Damage

The Culprits: Steve & Soph
It always gives me a good laugh though :) ....and one more thing...don't judge me because my bathroom is so messy...I don't always live like this.
Hi Schmyrstle!! hehe...I am so glad that you have a blog - I love reading about all your adventures and the mishaps with steve and sophie! Unfortunately, after thinking it all through, I don't think it would be very practical to work in AZ this summer :( What i did decided to do though is take the last few weeks of summer, end work early, and come to AZ for a few weeks of really quality time with the Smiths. I think this will be best for everyone in the end - but I'm still a lil' sad! Hope you have a great weekend girl!
haha our dogs did that too until we started putting them in a kennel. Their faces are priceless ;)
naughty naughty!!!!
Revenge? No, they were just decorating the bathroom for a birthday party for their mama! :)
Happy Birthday! I hope you had an awesome day!
I am judging you because your bathroom is dirty
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