Here he is. My husband. Adam. Lately I have been realizing my deep deep love for this man. So, this is a post in honor of this man I am priveledged to call my husband, best friend, life partner, father of my babies, companion, and the list goes on...
1) I love that he is a great man of God, and in this world, that is extremely hard to find. He challenges me.
2) I love that he is a good listener. He really wants to know and cares about what I have to say and what others have to say.
3) I love that he asks me, "What do you think about that?"- this was hard for me at first, not coming from a background where people actually wanted to know that- but now that it has been asked too many times to count, I absolutely LOVE it.
4) I love that he has convictions that he doesn't waver on-it really shows me his self-control & integrity.
5) I love that when I look in the mirror (especially lately) and just feel fat, he can reassure me like no other. I always feel beautiful to him.
6) I love that the whole time I have been pregnant so far, he has been making all the food- I mean ALL of it- washing the dishes, cleaning the house, and telling me that my only job is to take care of myself and relax...I am living in a dream world people!
7) I love it that when I think about him, I still get overwhelmed by how much I love him.
8) I love that when I watch girly movies, I am never jealous of the romances...mine totally ROCKS the socks off of all those :)
9) I love it that he gained 30 pounds after we got married! All that good eatin'!
10) I love it that he grows his beard out and loves it! He doesn't even have to participate in no-shave November this year, he has been rockin' his beard for about 6 months now!
....alright everyone, I will stop being so lovey dovey. But, sometimes you just can't help it. Especially when you are married to someone as awesome as my husband!
Until next time....