Oh man. It has been a WHILE since I have posted. Glad to be back tonight...writing posts is definitely theraputic and relaxing :)
I wanted to follow up on my post about Fear a couple weeks ago. Things are turning a corner and it feels SO much better. After writing that post, Adam and I had a long talk about everything. It was to a point where I was having mini-panic attacks and I felt like it was consuming me. The next morning, my sweet, godly husband wrote notes for me around the house for when I woke up (before he went to work). He put notes up telling me how much he loved me, and verses from the bible about fear and anxiety to encourage me.....and encourage me it DID! This wasn't the cure, but it was a huge step in reminding myself that I'm not alone, and that I always have Adam to lean on through the things that I struggle with.
From then until now, it seems that a lot of things have come up- Ellie got a really high fever (due to an ear infection), she hurt her leg and had a limp for a few days, and someone in our family had some not-so-good news. It all made me think that here on earth, we are not exempt from anything. And to add to that, I felt the Lord telling me that I should count my blessings right NOW and be thankful instead of worrying about what MAY or may NOT happen in the future. That was a pretty big deal for me. My prayer life has changed from prayers of worry, doubt, and fear- a sort of pleading with God, to prayers of thanksgiving, love, and humbleness that He is in control and cares for me. It's been wonderful. I am in no way healed from this, but I feel so much more hope, and I also know that God strength can take me through anything that may come my way.
Here is a verse I'm holding onto:
"Humble yourselves, therefore under God's mighty hand that He may lift you up in due time. Cast ALL your ANXIETY on Hum because He cares for YOU" - 2 Peter 5:6-7
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
In other news, I've been getting back to working out! Been taking Zumba classes and doing Jillian Michaels (from the Biggest Loser) 30 Day Shred DVD....here's to crossing my fingers that it'll work and I won't feel so frumpy! I hope to get back on track with my daily posts soon. I have just felt so exhausted that thinking about typing out a post and having it make sense has seemed almost impossible!
Until next time,
Friday, April 15, 2011
Frugal Friday: Library
We have found that we save a lot of money these days going to the library. It's free, they have activites for kiddos (storytime, etc), they hand out free passes to local places (Children's museum, the zoo, etc.), videos, and not to mention the main reason the library exists, books! We had netflix for a while, but cancelled due to the fact that almost EVERY video on our queue was at the library one day! So, we decided that we should do the free option instead of paying $10 a month. And it works! Sometimes, the DVD's skip, but most times, they're good :) I find that as a parent of 2, watching movies doesn't come as often as I'd like, so a random video from the library (or netflix for that matter) takes a while to get to. I don't want to pay money for something I may or may not get to watch! I also get lots of video's for Ellie there instead of paying to rent those as well. We try to go to storytime at least once a week, and Ellie really enjoys it. Even if the teacher is lame on occassion, she always enjoys the bubbles and songs! So, totally worth the $0 spent! So now, go become a member of the zoo, and get a library card and use it!!! :) Save money people! What are some things that YOU do to save money?! Lets help eachother out.........
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Toddler Tuesday: Potty Training Day 1
Friday, April 8, 2011
Monday Meals: Chicken & Rice Casserole

- 6 Tablespoons butter
- 8 ounces mushrooms, sliced (3 cups)
- ¼ teaspoon dried rosemary
- ½ cup all purpose flour
- 2 cups chicken broth
- 1 ½ cups half and half or whole milk
- 4 cups chopped cooked chicken
- 3 cups cooked rice
- ½ cup dry bread crumbs
- 2 Tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
- 1 Tablespoon melted butter
Additions: I added broccoli to my dish like the picture above to be sure we got a veggie in!
Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Grease a 9x13 baking pan. 2. Melt butter in a large saucepan over medium heat. 3. Stir in the mushrooms and rosemary, cook until softened (about 5 min.). Stir in the flour until well blended. 4. Slowly whisk in the chicken broth and the half and half or milk. 5. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook until sauce is thickened and smooth (about five minutes). 6. Mix in the chicken and the cooked rice, combine well. Pour into prepared pan. 7. Mix together the bread crumbs, Parmesan cheese and 1 Tbsp. melted butter, stir well. Sprinkle on top of the chicken and rice mixture. 8. Bake for 25-35 minutes, until the sauce is bubbling and the topping is golden brown. 9. Serve with warm buttered rolls.3
This meal turned out GREAT! It was (fairly) easy to make, but worth the effort for sure! I will be adding this to my list of regular meals per my husbands request :) If you make it, lemme know what you think.
Love, Krystle
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Frugal Friday: Zoo Pass
Thoughtful Thursday: Fear
I have been fighting this post for a long time for a few reasons; 1) embarrassed to admit what I think about day in and day out, 2) afraid to admit it, and 3) worried of what people may think.
But I'm just going to go for it. I am so so so afraid of something happening to my kids. Like, really afraid.
I think it's the reason that I'm a crazy researcher on everything and doing non-mainstream things like a home-birth and not vaccinating my children. To think that I could possibly inflict harm on them is something that I don't know that I could live with. With the vaccination issue, I continuously find myself torn. To not vaccinate is to not inject very harmful substances in their sweet new (innocent) bodies that could possibly do irriversible damage. But I find myself wondering what if they got these diseases. I have researched enough to know that at the end of the day, not vaccinating is actually what puts me more at peace.
Same thing with my home-birth and birthing center birth with Claire. No one actually knows how much epidurals and other inducing drugs will effect the baby. Not to mention they actually haven't been around for that long, and for that reason I don't trust it. I try not to treat anything as " a medical procedure" that shouldn't be. If I'm healthy, and my baby inside is healthy, then it makes sense to me to not expose them to anything that could be harmful at such a young age. This is not to say there aren't instances where it truly is medically necessary, but like I said, I tend to go the more natural way.
With those issues out of the way, there is still something even deeper. If one of my kids even gets a tiny cold, I am SO worried. I'm in to check on them like a billion times a night. My mind always goes to the worst places- is this something bigger, are they going to develop and infection from this, is there a chance they could die? (This is honestly where my mind goes at least once a week) I have only been to the ER with Ellie once for Croup and hospitals just get me nervous when I'm (or my family) is the patient. I feel so out of control.
I have experienced death. Both in my family, and to others around me who I love. It's unbearable to watch and experience the process. I just feel like I don't know if I could take it if it happened directly to me. I'm not sure though that anyone feels like they are ready for something like that to happen to them.
I recognize though, that as I spiral out of control in thinking about the worst, that God gently reminds me that I need to start telling myself the truth more often. I have so much hope in Him. I don't need to worry, and as the bible says, it won't add a single day to my life, or my family's. I need to remember that I am certainly not in control and that He is in control. I need to remember that I may not be able to make it through if something were to happen, but He can help me make it through. He equips us with the strength we need when we ask for it. I think it's a daily struggle of giving up my fears and starting to trust Him with every area of my life.
I follow this blog (also on my sidebar The Sullengers). It scares me so much to think about what they are living through, but gives me so much inpiration and hope at the same time. They are truly relying on God to get them through their situation and it is so encouraging and challenging.
Okay, now that I put it out there, please tell me that I'm not alone. That's a reason that I'm so afraid to admit it- in fear that no one else will relate and think I'm crazy. So, if you been in my shoes, please tell me about it. It's nice to know that I'm not alone.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Random: Thoughts on being FRUMPY!

Toddler Tuesday: Art
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