Wanted to check in for a few moments to just say that life has been pretty crazy lately. Having 2 kids is surely double the work! And Adam and I have totally been feeling it. At the end of the night, both of us collapse. It has been great at the same time though :) I had Ellie watch Bambi for the first time this week, and she LOVES it! It's so cute. Claire has been smiling up a storm and growing like a weed!!! She is a way pickier baby than Ellie was...she likes to be held 24/7, only likes certain positions being held, and wants to nurse way more often! Maybe she knows that since she had to share mommy from the get-go, she was really gonna log-in her time in closeness :) It may make things harder sometimes, but I really do love it and wouldn't trade it. And Ellie is such a sweet big sister. Always smothering (literally) her sister in hugs and kisses. When she wakes up in the morning, the first thing she wants to do is peek in at her little sissy sleeping :)
In other news, I've been getting back to working out! Been taking Zumba classes and doing Jillian Michaels (from the Biggest Loser) 30 Day Shred DVD....here's to crossing my fingers that it'll work and I won't feel so frumpy! I hope to get back on track with my daily posts soon. I have just felt so exhausted that thinking about typing out a post and having it make sense has seemed almost impossible!
Until next time,
Hey lady! Good for you working out! I have been a slacker this week for many reasons and will post why later on. We are just going to wait out the biting issues at daycare. He went on Friday and did NOT get bit, which was amazing in my mind!! Have a very Happy Easter!!
That was so like Daniel, Hannah was the EASIEST baby ever.....she was so independent...but Daniel was nursing 24/7, wanting to be held 24/7 and so on. But would NEVER trade it for anything in the world. It so gets easier in time.
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