Thursday, February 26, 2009
A Starting Point
ANYWAYS, here is my starting point. Let me know what ya'll think and give me some pointers if you have some :) I'd love feedback.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
As of Late
Our friend Kiel is also over 7 feet tall!! Holy cow! She will NEVER have to worry about how tall her heels are :) Lucky!!!
We went to hang out with Adam's parents after that, and I got a few more pictures of my Ellie Belly! I'm only posting one because I feel like I look too fat in the others :) He he!
Last night, Adam and I had some friends over, and he made a ROCKIN' chili. All by himself. Pretty impressive. It's so cute when he is in the kitchen. The dogs stay in there and hang out with him the whole time. I love it!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Meal Plan Tuesday?

Tuesday- Potato Soup w/Garlic bread
Wednesday- Baked Chicken, Red Potatoes, & Green beans
Thursday- Green Enchiladas w/beans & rice
Friday- Baked Penne w/Sausage, Zuccini & Asparagus
Happy Tuesday everyone!!! Have an awesome week.
Love, Krystle
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Meal Plan Monday

Get ready for Meal- Plan Mondays! I'm pretty good at keeping up with my meal plans, and have always intended on making it a habit to post on my blog so that my friends can have some ideas, and possibly extend the same courtesy!!! I don't know about all of you, but planning meals can be absolutely exhausting. This week it's gonna be pretty simple because we are trying to keep it cheap, but here is my plan:
Monday: Tomato Soup w/mixed veggies, sourdough bread w/butter
Tuesday: Hamburgers, Homemade fries, and cold veggies
Wednesday: Spagetti w/meat, Salad, and Garlic bread
Thursday: Burritos filled with the works (beans, cilantro, onions, tomato, etc.), chips, and salsa
Friday: Chicken Pot Pie- w/no side. This pretty much encompasses a whole entire meal in itself.
Saturday: Left overs!!!
Seriously people, DO MEAL PLAN MONDAY! I would love to have more people in on this. Maybe one day I will upgrade to pictures (well wait, who am I kidding myself, I'm TERRIBLE at uploading pictures!!! I bet you all are surprised I'm even pregnant because there is no proof!).
Anyone else in on Meal-Plan Monday?!!?!?!?
I have started working Monday-Friday 8am-5pm, so this meal planning thing is a total lifesaver!! I would be a mess without it...not to mention spending WAY too much on groceries.
Well, happy Monday everyone. Hope your weeks are excellent!
Love, Krystle
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Thank You!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
I have a prayer request. But as I was about to put in on my blog, I wondered why I was doing it. I'll start off by just saying what it is though:
Tomorrow I have an ultrasound that will tell me if my placenta has moved up or not. I'm a bit nervous about it because if it hasn't moved up, then that means that I may not be able to use my midwife and do a home-birth. Which would totally suck. And it means that I could have a more complicated pregnancy... So, there it is.
With that being said, how in the world does prayer work? (Bear in mind, I will be answering some of my questions as I go along.) I know that God calls us to pray to him and communicate with him without ceasing. However, it just seems really confusing. If I pray about it tonight, really hard, that my placenta will move up, will it? Or is it just going to be one way or the other regardless of my prayers? (I feel like a bad christian for saying all this, but come on, sometimes things just blow your mind, and this is one of those things for me.) How will I ever know if God really did "answer" my prayer, or if that was just something that was already gonna happen anyways? I guess that if my placenta does move up, I can always just look at it as an answered prayer, but what drives me crazy is that i'll never know! Here are some things that I know:
1) God is a miracle worker- He makes things happen that don't make any sense. That's amazing. Does that happen through prayer? Definitely.
2) God is completely good. He can't be anything else. His will is perfect for my life.
3) God is so incredibly cool, that He makes us think of things like this to blow our minds, and then turn to just trusting that when He tells us to pray, it really is worth our while.
4) When we don't pray about things, how can we see God moving in our lives? When he does "answer a prayer"- or so we think- It makes us love him more and trust Him more.
Unfortunately, I have no conclusions. I leave in the same state as I came...Confused. But, I will cling to the things that I know, and trust that God tells us to do things because they matter.
Anyways, will you guys pray for me??....and for my placenta? :) That would be great.
I will let you all know how it turns out very soon. My appointment is at 11:00am tomorrow. You guys rock!
Love, Krystle