Love, K
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Love, K
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Another Blog
I'm starting another blog. I'm going to continue this one as the blog for family and friends, but I am starting another about more spiritual things :) If you'd like to follow me on that one, leave a comment with your email address and I'll send you the URL address!
P.S. I really am going to update this thing! Sorry I'm such a slacker. Time gets away from me ;)
Love, Krystle
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Enjoying the weather!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Things to Remember
- The perfect way to describe Claire is to say that she's definitely a girl. Very emotional. High highs and low lows :) Very different than Ellie. Ellie was very content 98% of the time. But I love their differences. I can't wait to see how it all plays out when they're older.
- Claire BITES when we nurse! OUCH! Again, something Ellie never did. She's not crazy about the whole eating process in general. She only wants to eat to get it done and have a full belly. She doesn't linger, which is nice. But I love the sweet moments when she takes her time and her and I get to have a little one-on-one time.
- She doesn't like food at all right now. She acts like I'm torturing her! Little stinker.
- She has a few nicknames that she responds to like stinky & missy Lou! :)
- Of all people, Ellie can make her laugh the most- melt my heart.
- She is talking up a storm these days! I just love it. My favorite thing she says/asks is "What's that it is?"- translation- "What is that?" Haha! It is so cute.
- Every night when I put her to bed, we have to re-enact the last part of the Tangled movie when Rupunzel and Eugene hug and kiss- too funny. She lays in bed and we both look at each other like we've never met and say "Eugene!" then hug and kiss. We always do it, no matter how tired she is, she always remembers :)
Just a few things I want to remember about this time in my life right now. Having kids is so much fun!
P.S. I'm already ready for another one! No joke.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
A Little Bit of Everything
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
May 28th????
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Cali Vacay
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Thoughtful Thursday: Follow up on Fear
I wanted to follow up on my post about Fear a couple weeks ago. Things are turning a corner and it feels SO much better. After writing that post, Adam and I had a long talk about everything. It was to a point where I was having mini-panic attacks and I felt like it was consuming me. The next morning, my sweet, godly husband wrote notes for me around the house for when I woke up (before he went to work). He put notes up telling me how much he loved me, and verses from the bible about fear and anxiety to encourage me.....and encourage me it DID! This wasn't the cure, but it was a huge step in reminding myself that I'm not alone, and that I always have Adam to lean on through the things that I struggle with.
From then until now, it seems that a lot of things have come up- Ellie got a really high fever (due to an ear infection), she hurt her leg and had a limp for a few days, and someone in our family had some not-so-good news. It all made me think that here on earth, we are not exempt from anything. And to add to that, I felt the Lord telling me that I should count my blessings right NOW and be thankful instead of worrying about what MAY or may NOT happen in the future. That was a pretty big deal for me. My prayer life has changed from prayers of worry, doubt, and fear- a sort of pleading with God, to prayers of thanksgiving, love, and humbleness that He is in control and cares for me. It's been wonderful. I am in no way healed from this, but I feel so much more hope, and I also know that God strength can take me through anything that may come my way.
Here is a verse I'm holding onto:
"Humble yourselves, therefore under God's mighty hand that He may lift you up in due time. Cast ALL your ANXIETY on Hum because He cares for YOU" - 2 Peter 5:6-7
Saturday, April 23, 2011
In other news, I've been getting back to working out! Been taking Zumba classes and doing Jillian Michaels (from the Biggest Loser) 30 Day Shred's to crossing my fingers that it'll work and I won't feel so frumpy! I hope to get back on track with my daily posts soon. I have just felt so exhausted that thinking about typing out a post and having it make sense has seemed almost impossible!
Until next time,
Friday, April 15, 2011
Frugal Friday: Library
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Toddler Tuesday: Potty Training Day 1
Friday, April 8, 2011
Monday Meals: Chicken & Rice Casserole

- 6 Tablespoons butter
- 8 ounces mushrooms, sliced (3 cups)
- ¼ teaspoon dried rosemary
- ½ cup all purpose flour
- 2 cups chicken broth
- 1 ½ cups half and half or whole milk
- 4 cups chopped cooked chicken
- 3 cups cooked rice
- ½ cup dry bread crumbs
- 2 Tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
- 1 Tablespoon melted butter
Additions: I added broccoli to my dish like the picture above to be sure we got a veggie in!
Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Grease a 9x13 baking pan. 2. Melt butter in a large saucepan over medium heat. 3. Stir in the mushrooms and rosemary, cook until softened (about 5 min.). Stir in the flour until well blended. 4. Slowly whisk in the chicken broth and the half and half or milk. 5. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook until sauce is thickened and smooth (about five minutes). 6. Mix in the chicken and the cooked rice, combine well. Pour into prepared pan. 7. Mix together the bread crumbs, Parmesan cheese and 1 Tbsp. melted butter, stir well. Sprinkle on top of the chicken and rice mixture. 8. Bake for 25-35 minutes, until the sauce is bubbling and the topping is golden brown. 9. Serve with warm buttered rolls.3
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Frugal Friday: Zoo Pass
Thoughtful Thursday: Fear
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Random: Thoughts on being FRUMPY!

Toddler Tuesday: Art
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Toddler Tuesday: Claire
- She is cuter and cuter by the doubt about it (Anyone watch the Bachelor recently and hear Brad say that line like a million times throughout the season?!?! Just thought I'd ask ;).
- I don't know how much she weighs- I haven't been to the doctor again yet- shame on me!
- Adam and I both agree that she is still a mystery! We haven't figured her out yet. We don't really know what she likes and doesn't like- seems to change day to day, minute to minute. Ellie wasn't that way at all!
- She's a superb sleeper once she's asleep. She is sleeping about 4 1/2 hour stretches at night which is super awesome :) I feel way more rested now that I did those last few weeks of pregnancy...wonderful!
- She is easy-peasy during the day, and her fussy time starts promptly at 7pm and lasts through whatever time she decides bedtime is. She really doesn't cry a ton through this time, but just seems generally irritated.
- She LOVES the birthing ball. If either Adam or I sit on that and bounce her, she is in baby heaven :)
- She doesn't seem to mind Ellie's occasional accidental torturing :) She's a tough cookie at such a young age...thank goodness! The other day, I caught Ellie with the "booger sucker" (as we call the syringe thing) up her nose- Claire grunted a little, but held up well. I on the other hand totally freaked out, but what's new?! I am an easy freaker-outer.
Some things about me:
- Second time around mommy-hood seems WAYYY easier. I am so much more calm and collected. I don't really mind when things start to get crazy and find myself having a lot more patience with Claire as a newborn and dealing with a bit of sleep deprivation.
- I love being a mommy of two. There are so many moments where I just feel completely overwhelmed with LOVE. And of course there are moments where I feel like the world is crashing down, but the good FAR outweighs the bad :)
- I'm still trying to find my groove. The newborn stage of breastfeeding is tough on me & on Ellie. Poor sweet girl just wants to play, and I'm stuck on the couch trying to entertain her. She holds up pretty well, and I'm trying to be more disciplined in being prepared and having a nice routine to my days to help things out.
- My recovery this time around is so much faster! Wahoooo! I have only had 1 close encounter with a breast infection, but I caught it way early and nipped that sucker in the butt- or boob- hahaha! I feel like I am my normal self and have felt that way since pretty much a week after her delivery. Such a blessing.
Some things about Adam:
- Can I just brag for a moment?? God has seriously blessed me with an amazing husband & best friend. Seriously. He is SO great with the girls and helps me out a TON! It has been a pretty big transition getting use to having 2 kids- I'm still not sure we're totally adjusted, but close to it I think. But, if I didn't have his constant support and help, I would have never felt as good as I have through this process. And no one prepares you for how incredibly ATTRACTIVE it is to see you husband be a father- and a GOOD one. Watching him put sunscreen on Ellie, or bounce Claire on the birthing ball while practically falling asleep may be one of the hottest things around ;) Definitely a perk of baby making!
Love, Krystle
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday Meals: Easy Lasagna

Friday, March 25, 2011
Frugal Friday: Eating Out

- Meal plan meal plan meal plan!!!!!! I can't stress this enough. So much money is wasted when going shopping without a plan. I know Rachel Ray says to shop when you're hungry, but that can cost you a ton of money too. Buy what you need for your meals, plus a few extra snacks (I said a FEW!) and eat simply.
- Like I said earlier, when you do eat out, go for the experience. Eat a little something at home, then just go, sit, and enjoy yourselves over an appetizer and drinks. Or if you are eating out for the whole meal, be sure to order water- drinks can totally add up! This is a hard one for me specifically- I love my drinks!
If you want more info on our plan that we follow, go to Dave Ramsey's website. You can listen to his show on there, and learn about his plan. And while this may sound a little over the top for some of you, I'll tell you something that really is- having your student loan so long that it becomes part of your family picture- or having your student loan so long you have to throw it a birthday party every year - or having your student loan so long that it qualifies for AARP :) Haha! I crack myself up! Well actually, Adam cracks me up because he came up with those! Nice babe.
Love, Krystle